One ring to bind them all

Meme by Ryan Fletcher

A recent advertisement on Australian television features an extraordinarily plain looking young woman who spends the entire commercial in bed in her pajamas as she attempts to choose an internet service provider or something of that nature. It seems that the new feminist and equality paradigm does not allow actresses and models to be attractive anymore.

The conclusion of the spot is a scene where she is offered an option that she had not previously even contemplated – in this case it is represented by another young woman who is a bit more attractive but dressed up so as to appear to be a transvestite. For all I know it is indeed a tranny; it’s so hard to tell these days.

It would be nice if these types of private interpersonal relationship decisions were kept behind closed doors, but the sad reality in which we find ourselves in this day and age is to have it continuously thrust in our faces, so to speak. I was reminded of this the other day when a friend who reads this blog remarked that I did seem to be prattling on about homosexuals an awful lot lately.

The late Christopher Hitchens made the astute observation that those who rail with great public earnestness against any particular lifestyle choice are much more likely to be predisposed to the same behavior behind closed doors. Their public opposition is an attempt to distract from their own wanderings.

But the LGQTIZXY brigade are now positioning themselves as a political force. They are actively pursuing a political and social agenda based entirely on the ridiculous idea that one should have special rights and privileges based on who one chooses to fornicate with. As such it is necessary to comment on these topics.

However, since they hide behind a rainbow colored cloak, any public criticism or even examination of their goals and the methods they use to further their agenda is instantly labeled under the banner of being “homophobic”. When that doesn’t work, and it is working far less these days, then we have the all-encompassing catchphrase of “equality”, itself swiftly followed by calling anyone a Fascist who does not toe the new line.

The hilariously sinister new step in the gay fight for “equalities” is for people to wear a ring that symbolizes the fact that gay people cannot get married using a religious ceremony, a ceremony tied to an institution that they are attempting to destroy.

“Some of the country’s biggest businesses have upped the ante in the crusade for marriage equality by asking Australians to wear a specially designed “acceptance ring” until same-sex marriage is legalised.

“Led by accommodation provider Airbnb and supported by Qantas, ANZ, Fairfax Media and Foxtel, the Until We Belong campaign has been billed as the “most public declaration for marriage equality” so far …

“… Qantas staff and cabin crew would wear them, he said, while Google Australia has also provided rings for its 1300 staff to wear.”

Meme by Ryan Fletcher

The question here is whether Qantas cabin staff and crew have a choice in the matter. Even if they do have the freedom to refuse to wear the ring, it will be an obvious public mark against them. Will staff be discriminated against, perhaps passed over for promotion or given the worst flight shifts if they do not get with the gay agenda? It is almost a reverse example of Jews in Nazi Germany being forced to wear yellow stars. In our modern iteration of gay Fascism the fact that someone is not wearing the favored symbol will cause them to stand out from the other good Australians who just want to keep their heads down, and keep their jobs for that matter.

Far from me being an example of Hitchens’ deflect and distract observation, it is the gay activists who are prime examples of that tawdry hypocrisy. For as they shout Fascist at anyone who stands against them, they simultaneously trot out the same tactics that the Nazis used to such memorable effect.

This is all a result of allowing practices that should have stayed behind closed doors but were allowed out into the public mainstream. Even if the Gay Waffen SSM are victorious in their marriage quest, it won’t stop there. Gay marriage is the smokescreen to normalise homosexuality. First television commercials, then taught in schools, and finally who knows; perhaps mandatory.

It certainly seems to be mandatory if you are unfortunate enough to be an employee of Qantas.

This article was originally published at where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly.