An Analysis of Facebook Users Who Updated Their Profile Pictures in Support of Same Sex Marriage


From an anonymous contributor

We polled a hundred Facebook users who changed their profile pictures to rainbow filters or slogan clad frames in support of a yes vote in the upcoming plebiscite by postal vote on same-sex marriage. Some fascinating stats emerged in the percentile breakdown:

3% in support of same sex marriage, and modified their profile picture of their own free will.

6% in support of same sex marriage, but were bullied into modifying their profile picture by intolerant friends or relatives.

18% don’t care, but were bullied into modifying their profile picture by intolerant friends or relatives.

6% quietly voting no, but were bullied into modifying their profile picture by intolerant friends or relatives.

9% were going to vote yes, but now quietly voting no because they were bullied into modifying their profile picture by intolerant friends or relatives.

1% Gay and militant. No intention of marrying, just want to f**k with Christians.

2% Straight Alt-Left. No respect or interest in marriage or any other ‘evil patriarchal’ institutions. Just wants to tear down Western Civilisation piece by piece.

1% Covert Alt-Right S**posting double agents trolling as many threads on this issue as possible in an ingenious controlled opposition strategy.

2% Gay with civil liberty concerns, but never stopped to think that petitioning for reasonable legal amendments to civil unions rather than flirting with the kind of people who are only in this to destroy Western civilisation might be more productive.

1% voting no, but shares one of those creepy couples profiles with their wife who is voting yes.

1% voting no, but shares one of those creepy couples profiles with their husband who is voting yes.

1% voting yes, but shares one of those creepy couples profiles with their wife who is voting no.

1% voting yes, but shares one of those creepy couples profiles with their husband who is voting no.

2% Gay and not particularly fussed about what is ostensibly a religious ceremony, but bullied into modifying their profile picture by intolerant friends or relatives.

2% Millenials who would like to vote yes, but are embarrassed to admit that they don’t know how to post a letter.

1% Gay and just wanting to live a promiscuous single life, but were bullied into modifying their profile picture by intolerant friends or relatives who privately demand conformity while publicly paying lip service to diversity.

3% just shamelessly virtue signalling, forgot to update their details on the electoral role.

7% just shamelessly virtue signalling, and intend to get as angry as they did after every other time they didn’t actually vote and hated the result.

25% just got caught up in mindless groupthink.

8% just shamelessly virtue signalling, looking forward to ghosting friends and relatives who voted no post-plebiscite because they’re different.

Photo by sagesolar