The XYZ Effect: Facebook Censors XYZ Team to Save Merkel


The XYZ team and its loose network of activists is used to getting Facebook restrictions, shadow-bans and outright bans in the course of our work. Nevertheless I found it interesting that Moses Apostaticus and Ryan Fletcher both had their accounts banned within the last fortnight, yours truly was restricted from posting in groups, and I saw a general rise in Facebook friends and XYZ followers saying they had spent time in Facebook jail.

This coincided with the doxxing of Moses, increased harassment of Fletcher, and Robbie V Meme had his account hacked. This appeared to be a new level of coordination by Antifa and Facebook. One would think as an editor of a mildly entertaining political newspaper I would have figured it out earlier, but my questions were answered thanks to Black Pigeon Speaks:

He reported on the fact that Facebook had deleted tens of thousands of “fake” accounts in the lead-up to the German election, in order to control the narrative in favour of the worst political leader in Germany’s history, Angela Merkel. This appears a fulfilment of Zuckerberg’s promise to Merkel to “do some work” to stop people telling the truth about the migration and demographic crisis affecting Germany.

Nice to know our small band of freedom fighters is considered enough of a threat to warrant censorship by the globalist authorities.

A quick scan of Facebook’s Richard Allan’s blog post where he only admits Facebook’s speech suppression, we get the usual Orwellian doublespeak:

“The leading political parties used our platform to engage voters. Chancellor Merkel used her Facebook Page to share key moments from her election campaign, and Martin Schulz of the Social Democratic Party shared a story about a young refugee that he met who went on to get an apprentice position. These kinds of interactions brought voters closer to the candidates and supported more informed conversations about the election.”

How sweet. Did Alternative for Germany get a crack? Can I have a refugee too?

Tin foil hat photo
Mark Zuckerberg’s cat. Photo by jeffhall2069

“After reports of foreign interference in the run-up to the US and French presidential elections, we also worked closely with German officials on a number of initiatives to fight disinformation and make Facebook a safer and more secure environment for genuine civic engagement.”

The Russian kookspiracy continues unabated. Some reports suggest Facebook were handing out free, carbon-neutral tinfoil in Dusseldorf.

“Promoting Authenticity. To prevent people from misusing our platform, we announced a new push to remove fake accounts by spotting suspicious patterns of activity. In the month before the election, we took action against tens of thousands of fake accounts in Germany.”

This is code for, “We blatantly deleted accounts of people countering the narrative that we are not importing millions of migrants to replace you.”

His post just went on like this. Wired helped out with narrative control, by taking a lead out of The XYZ’s book to argue that the Zuck has not gone far enough:

“If the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, Facebook is taking baby steps.

“On Wednesday, the company said it shut down tens of thousands of fake accounts ahead of last weekend’s election in Germany, according to a blog post by Richard Allan, Facebook Ireland’s vice president of public policy. Facebook also used a related-articles tool to recommend stories to users that might portray a different point of view, an effort to deflate concerns that Facebook can create ideological ‘bubbles.'”

That last line was, to borrow a phrase from Adam Piggott, unintentionally hilarious.

“The disclosure follows months of backlash against Facebook over its role in the 2016 US election, concerns that were amplified after the company confirmed it sold $150,000 worth of political ads during the campaign that were linked to Russian accounts.”

Now we know where a sizeable chunk of that carbon-neutral tinfoil went.

This is where it gets really interesting:

Mark Zuckerberg photo
Mark Zuckerberg, moments before an assassination attempt by the evil hand of Dr. Strangelove. Photo by Maurice Svay

“Facebook’s recent attention to such concerns marks a stark change from a year ago, when Zuckerberg asserted that fake news on Facebook ‘surely had no impact’ on the US election result and that those who made that argument exhibited a ‘profound lack of empathy’ for other people’s experiences. Now, at least, the company is taking proactive measures to address a problem that even President Obama reportedly urged Zuckerberg to take more seriously last year.

“Just because Facebook wasn’t asleep at the wheel this time doesn’t mean it’s solved the issue entirely. Germany is, after all, a relatively stable democracy with a quarter of the US’s population, shorter campaigns and stricter laws regulating data privacy and political speech. ‘This shows that at the scale of Germany, Facebook is willing to take these steps,’ says Siva Vaidhyanathan, professor of media studies at University of Virginia and author of a forthcoming book on Facebook. He’s less confident the same measures would be effective in the US. Further, he asks, ‘Is it capable of taking sufficient steps at the scale of India, which has 1 billion people and 750 million voters? Can Facebook still perform as admirably? That’ll be the big question.’

How about the world…

The left are pissed that the free flow of information lost them the US Presidential election, and they are doing everything they can to make sure it never happens again. We are in an information war, the most important information war in human history. It is a game of cat and mouse between the globalists who run the systems of communication, and the free people of the West using these systems of communication against the globalists. Just as collectivism perpetually morphs and rebrands to inflict the same old misery to the masses, patriots will find new ways to thwart them. Similarly, old platforms like Facebook will die as people flock to new platforms which allow more freedom of expression, before they in turn are shut down by the globalists.

The question is whether we can red-pill enough people in the meantime to make a difference in the colossal confrontation still to come.