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Big companies hate innovation but they love regulation

John Wilder has up an excellent piece on why recessions are good for the economy. "I’ve shared this opinion before: recessions are good for the...

Galaxy rejoices at #FacebookDown

Agent XYZ1788 has completed his mission, planted the virus, and is currently enjoying some much needed R&R on an undisclosed Mediterranean beach. Operation Gas...

XYZ Live #19 – Sonya Kruger, EU Copyright Law Censorship and...

Topics covered on last night's livestream with David Hiscox and Matty's Modern Life included: The impending political trial of Sonia Kruger for wrongthink against...

Thought for the Day: Racists for Peace

Tucker Carlson of Fox News appears to be a lone voice in the mainstream media urging caution with relation to action over the alleged...

I support total and complete discrimination

This article was originally published at on 4/1/2017, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam's books here. One of the Left’s...

Should you become an uber driver? An Australian Drivers Opinion

Lots of people ask Matty whether or not it’s a good idea to sign up as an Uber driver. Today he answers that question. If...

Government is the Problem for Aussie Broadband

Dean Hamstead I have had two conversations on social media recently in which I have argued for free market broadband in Australia as the answer...

We’ll all be rooned said Hanrahan (part 2)

Grumblebum We'll all be rooned said Hanrahan... That will be the case if we keep listening to the greenies and the lunatic left. The effects of...