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Tag: man

It is better to be a man than a woman

A wonderful article from Jupes at Catallaxy Files on the subject of suicide among ex-servicemen in Australia. In it he compares battlefield casualty rates...

The moment a boy becomes a man

We all struggle with how to be good at being a man on an almost daily basis. The levels of our individual struggles are...

How to be a REAL Man

Ever wondered how to be a real man? You aren’t alone. Society has demonised boys and removed male rite of passage rituals so now...

Solving the crisis of masculinity, what does it mean to be...

Matty's Modern Life discusses the attack on masculinity and feminimity which is currently undermining the relationship between the two sexes, making both men and...

Quote of the Day: Triumph, Disaster, and being a Man.

XYZ Quote of the Day goes to Rudyard Kipling.  We think we'll let him speak for himself: If, by Rudyard Kipling. If you can keep your...