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Tag: GFC

Woke Banks and their Hypocrisy

From Patriotic Alternative. By Edward Saunders I recently finished reading journalist Ian Fraser’s book ‘Shredded: Inside RBS, the Bank that Broke Britain’, and have come away...

Financial Collapse Incoming: Remember Who To Blame

On the back of the Federal Reserve firing up the printing press, in what looks like a panicked attempt at preventing the inevitable rerun...

The Truth about Financial Wizardry and Central Bank Magic

Central banks hold a monopoly over the creation of money. What does this mean for our society right now and the future of the...

The actual inconvenient truth: The economy is a lie

Harry Hardrada Australians all let us rejoice, for we will never be mortgage free! We sold our soil and children for toil Our homes sold to Mr...

Dire Straights: Money for Nothing

You have just got to love rising housing prices. Governments get vast revenues that shore up budgets, banks make slim margins on rapidly increasing...