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Tag: Bill Leak

Bill Leak – Talking Picture

Editor's note: Liberator Zen has produced a wonderful video on the life and work of the late Bill Leak. It covers his early years,...

Why Turnbull Deserves No Credit on Free Speech

Malcolm Turnbull has finally given his approval to a move to reform the abomination that is section 18C of the abhorrent crime against Australia...

Bill Leak’s Death and Leftist Hate

As all good readers of XYZ will know, the courageous dissident cartoonist Bill Leak recently passed away from a heart attack. Bill came to prominence...


Steve B Will they hang their heads shame? Probably not, they’ll just shift the blame. After all, it’s not their fault; They’re just playing the 18C game And after...

Left Media Moderators Work Double-Time on the Bilge Pumps as the...

Every now and then, I take stock of my beliefs and ask myself 'am I an a---hole?' Everyone should do it occasionally. It keeps...

Drunkenness in remote Northern Territory

From an anonymous contributor Below is an image which depicts what life is like for an Aboriginal boy in remote NT, as described by an...

Racist HRC are the real White-Hats

Let's see if we have this story straight. Three young white men complain about a racist policy in a university computer lab.  For this, they...

Shut down the Human Rights Commission by ignoring it

Adam Piggott I wrote a piece on the cartoon by Bill Leak (to which the above cartoon by Ryan Fletcher alludes) when it was published...

Turnbull’s performance offends me

Adam Piggott With the Liberal party reduced to a one seat majority in the last Federal election, the triumphant assumption was that conservative Australians had...

Bill Leak Nailed It

From an anonymous contributor: I am a teacher working in a remote part of the Northern Territory. I’ve worked at several schools over the last...