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Why are we always putting green energy assets in all the wrong places?

The main electricity demand comes from big cities and their industries, so the electricity generators should be nearby, thus reducing capital costs and transmission losses, and supporting local jobs. Why put wind turbines, access roads...

Lent and what it means

Tomorrow begins Lent for 2025. If I am to be honest I do not look forward to this time of year as it is a burden in many ways. But on the other...

Enoch Powell – A Review of his Biography ‘Like The Roman’

Enoch Powell is arguably the most important British politician of the twentieth century never to be Prime Minister.  His ideas are still thought about and debated and of course the thing that he is...

Stephen Wells against the White Liberal enemies

When the pigs get coming for you, you know what you gotta do. You can run but you can’t hide, not today. Not with the spy cams every which way crawling out of your...

China is preparing for war, so why aren’t we?

Cliff Reece The old maxim: ‘if you wish for peace, prepare for war’ has never been more relevant. Anyone with even a modicum of commonsense and knowledge of history can see that the Chinese Communist Party...

Addicted to War

By now you will no doubt have seen the extraordinary scenes of Zelensky’s disastrous meeting with the US presidential team in the White House. But make no mistake, this was a set up by...

Stephen Wells Prison Letter: It is about not submitting to evil

The XYZ has received a prison letter from Stephen Wells via a family member. He remains imprisoned since his arrest, purportedly for “loitering”, alongside fellow NSN members who held an Australia Day celebration in...

The Greatest National Security Crisis in Australia’s History

Last week, the Chinese Navy conducted live fire drills in international waters between Australia and New Zealand. It was an aggressive action designed to intimidate the Australian government, and to test the response of our...

The Australian Government can never end Mass Immigration

On Monday night the Australian prime minister was on the ABC talk show Q&A in an obvious effort to sell himself for the election which will occur sometime this year. Patricia Karvelas asked the...

Stephen Wells: Bail conditions are Unconstitutional

After being arrested for assembling in public with other nationalists in Adelaide on Australia Day, The XYZ’s Stephen Wells remains in legal limbo. During a bail application last week it was pointed out that...