The Government must Apologise to White Australia for its response to Terror Hoax


The Australian law enforcement and intelligence establishment has in recent days issued a stunning backdown on what anybody with a room temperature IQ had already figured out; the series of purportedly “anti-semitic” attacks across Melbourne and Sydney in recent months were all hoaxes.

From the Noticer:

An explosives-laden caravan found in Sydney was a fake anti-Semitic terror plot concocted by criminals and never an actual threat, police have confirmed.

The discovery of the caravan in Dural, which also contained Jewish addresses and a note saying “fuck the Jews” but no detonator, was described by NSW Premier Chris Minns as “terrorism” and a “potential mass casualty event” as soon as the investigation was made public in late January.

Weeks later Mr Minns brought in controversial new hate speech laws, calling them a “strong response to anti-Semitism”, while the federal government also cited a spate of alleged anti-Semitic attacks for pushing through its own hate crimes bill, which passed with bipartisan support.

But on Monday the Australian Federal Police revealed that “almost immediately, experienced investigators within the JCTT [NSW Joint Counter Terrorism Team] believed that the caravan was part of a fabricated terrorism plot – essentially a criminal con job”.

“Almost immediately.” That goes for basically everyone in the country. Even Andrew Bolt found it impossible to fully dissimulate his suspicions that it was all a hoax.

Analysis from Mitch Sutton has once again gotten to the heart of the matter:

The only conclusion that can be reached from the above facts is that Australians were deliberately lied to by the police, the political establishment and the press.

All three knew that the Dural caravan attack and other alleged attacks were fake, but they decided to pretend otherwise in order to achieve certain political objectives.

As a result, Australians have been robbed of their fundamental right to free speech. In compensation we’ve been given a bizarre, rambling story after the fact that explains very little and obfuscates more than it enlightens.

The push is underway from prominent state and federal MP’s to repeal the hatespeech laws which were rushed through parliament under false pretences in response to the terror hoax. This quote from NSW Libertarian MP John Ruddick nails it:

“This legislation would not have existed without these incidents and after yesterday’s revelations it is now very likely they were based on the false pretences of criminals.

“In the next sitting week of parliament I will introduce repeal legislation to remove these illegitimate laws. Free speech matters more than bad laws.”

As always, Senator Gerard Rennick has proven to be a stalwart of the Australian people.

This “terror plot” was used to introduce the hate crime laws yet it turns out it was never a threat at all.

How many times do we see the government bring in laws under false pretences?

Fake Covid, Fake Climate Change and Fake Terror plots.

The push to repeal anti-free speech laws should dominate the upcoming federal election and will increase support for independent parties on the right who are intelligently coordinating their efforts. It will also further delegitimise the major parties whose primary support has sunk so low, they may in the near future resort to EU-style coalitions of establishment parties to keep the populists from power.

Most importantly, Independent candidates should demand that the Australian government apologises to White Australia for its response to the fake terror hoaxes. The stampede to suppress the free speech of White Australians in response to the known terror hoaxes implied an assumption of guilt toward pro-White activists. It indicates that the Australian government considers the assertion of White Australian political interests a threat to multiculturalism, and tantamount to terrorism.

Joel Davis rightly points out that Whites are the only ethnic constituency explicitly excluded from multiculturalism, ie multiculturalism by definition means every other ethnic group except for White people.

The passing of these laws offends, insults, humiliates and intimidates every Anglo in the country, because it implies that any opposition to the multicultural religion will get you arrested, and potentially charged with terrorism.

Importantly, political leaders have fallen over themselves to apologise to the so-called “jewish community” and even indirectly to the so-called “islamic community” for the debacle:

Regardless of the motivation of those responsible for this fake plot, this has had a chilling effect on the Jewish community. This twisted, self-serving criminality has terrorised Jewish Australians.

What organised crime has done to the Jewish community is reprehensible, and it won’t go without consequence. There was also unwarranted suspicion directed at other communities – and that is also reprehensible.

Surely unwarranted suspicion was directed at White Australians. Where is our apology?

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