Home Australian politics Stephen Wells against the White Liberal enemies

Stephen Wells against the White Liberal enemies


When the pigs get coming for you, you know what you gotta do. You can run but you can’t hide, not today. Not with the spy cams every which way crawling out of your 5G arsehole. So you march down the road on Australia day to pay your respects to our grandfathers and great grandfathers who faced the Jerries and the Japs, and you march with an Australian flag, and that’s all you’re doing, you’re just marching. And then you get to the memorial and one of you says a few words, but you’re not concentrating on what he’s saying because the secret squirrels chopper has been overhead the entire time and now they’re coming towards you, and you’re being arrested for loitering, which in the scheme of things means standing in a public place in broad daylight. They’ve kept that law on the books for over a hundred years because it’s a grand way to get in gaol any poor sod who’s looking to stand up against the System.

And so you’re Stephen Wells. You’re a middle aged white guy, with a wife and a job that doesn’t pay much. You’ve been left behind by modern Australia, not because you’re not capable, but because you’re the enemy. You’re a Gen X white guy who’s not into sucking cock or whatever the latest iteration of the faggot brigades would have you doing to justify your place in modern society. So it means that you’re hanging on, but only just, but you’ve always been the type of kid who doesn’t shut his mouth when the teacher declares that you’re all one big family now because you happened to be the third shepherd in the school play.

And then Covid happened and you saw the light, and you said to yourself, I’m not going to recite the lies anymore. I am not going to let them have my soul. Because Stephen Wells is still in jail because he won’t let them have his soul, and not giving up your soul to the white liberals who have betrayed us, who persecute us, who seek the end to our tribe, who seek the end to our ethnicity, when all the while it is their own tribe and ethnicity, white liberals who are the very worst people on the planet and who have infected and taken over Anglo Saxon nations such as every single one is reeling from the exact same calamities, the same white liberals are the ones that hold Stephen Wells in jail for taking a stroll on Australia Day with an Australian flag.

Wells rots in jail as he refuses the bail conditions that would make him complicit with the System that seeks his own eternal damnation. So he cannot despair because he is someone who actually is on the right side of history. White liberals are terrified of men like Stephen Wells at this point in time because liberalism has reached its end game and the chickens are roosting or whatever the hell it is that chickens do.

It was once said that Communism destroys the body but liberalism destroys the soul. Wells knows this in an intrinsic sense at least. He won’t play their game. He plays his own game. He will be punished because men who act selflessly in support of their ethnic and national cause are extremely dangerous to the white liberals who rule over us.

How many Stephen Wells do we need to kick down the door and let the whole rotten system come crashing down? A couple of hundred would do it. The white liberals shout and scream at the Stephen Wells of the world, they accuse them of being extremists. And they are correct, they are extremists. Stephen Wells is an extremist. Only an extremist would suffer what he is willingly suffering. But white liberals are also extremists. They are the lunatic left who have persecuted their own race for over a hundred years. And you need extremists to effectively fight against extremism.

The average guy on the street is not an extremist. He doesn’t want this fight. He wants to be left alone, to get on with his life, and he will let a lot of things go by, he will turn his cheek from almost total destruction of his way of life just so long as he has the illusion of still holding on to something that has long ago been stolen from him. As long as he has bread on the table. But the table is bare, and men like Stephen Wells will soon find an audience. His time, our time, it is almost here. So to defeat the extremist left, we must ourselves be extremists. We must want nothing more than their total and complete destruction. Stephen Wells stands for us. The media will give him no coverage because he must be a non person. But in the world of the internet we have a voice. And in Stephen Wells’ actions we have grit and determination.

Some day soon our extremist views will be the views of the average man on the street. It will happen in the blink of an eye, from one moment to the next. Maybe Stephen Wells will be remembered as a catalyst, maybe he will be forgotten. But right now, at this time, at this moment, we know, we see, we support, we act. May the white liberals of the world, the very worst people to ever walk the face of the planet, may they shake in fear at what is to come and their very deserved justice.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.