Jews claim Victory in Australia


On the front page of The Australian Online, the talk today is of Trump’s tariffs. Which is funny, as for the last several months the defining feature of The Australian’s front page has been the hurt, anxiety and fear that assails Jews living in Australia. We even managed to be berated by has-been musician Deborah Conway about just how terrified she now is to live in Australia, which is weird as I never even knew she was Jewish. But there you go.

Aside from the terror of Jews existing in our Great Southern Land, the other item missing is the formalisation of the world’s most stringent and authoritarian hate speech laws, and in record time, with the laws managing to pass the House and Senate in a single day. Not even a word in passing, which is strange considering that The Australian has been front and center with pushing for the new laws, so as to supposedly sooth the hurt and angst of all Jews everywhere.

For the last few months there has been a spate of “terror attacks” against Jews, a sudden outbreak you might say. Terror attacks such as graffiti on a synagogue wall, or, well, not much else really. Okay, maybe a bit more but who was funding it? Read this excellent summation of the events. But that has been enough to propel the politicians to do the bidding of their masters and to pass hate speech laws to protect against physical attacks. They really are scraping the bottom of the barrel here.

Apparently now you can be jailed for saying that marriage is between a man and a woman. So let me state for the record that marriage is between a man and a woman. There are shots of secret squirrel police helicopters flying over Australian cities looking for bad think against the Jews, who apparently make up 0.4% of the population.

Seriously, that much? Oh vey.

Apparently senators Pauline Hanson and Malcolm Roberts couldn’t be bothered to turn up for the Senate vote. Hanson claimed afterwards that her no-show was a form of protest vote. Perhaps a better form of protest would have been present to actually vote no.

The law will be used selectively to target native white Australians who object in some way to the forced takeover of their country by unrestricted and overwhelming immigration from countries such as India and China. The Jewish angle is simply that, it is the hook, the bait if you will. No doubt some deserving Muslim Jew haters will be trotted out for special early on treatment. But the bulk of this bill is to cement the Jewish hold over the nerve centers of the nation. It is now illegal to criticise Jews because reasons. The Jew cries out as he strikes you. I can feel my hate crime points rising faster than a boner on a Jewish funded porn flick.

Here is a little snippet from the new law:

They could have saved the incoherent legal text and simply written, you will be jailed for saying things that those who control us don’t like. Although I admit that the insistence on singling out motor vehicles is a tad strange. Why not pleasure boats or caravans for that matter?

Anyway, Australians have had their personal freedoms trashed so as to sooth Jewish feelings. I wonder why the Jews have been forcibly removed from so many nations over the past couple of millennia. It’s a mystery.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.