Why you should vote for The Australian Patriots Party


With One Nation selling out their supporters in WA by fielding an Indian migrant with poor English as a candidate in next year’s upcoming State Election, it looked as though patriotic Whites would have no one to vote for. Parminder Singh has a long history of promoting an invasion of India into Australia, but all that apparently changed when One Nation took a large donation from him in return for allowing his business to sponsor the Party and allowing him to run as a Candidate. It just goes to show how corrupt One Nation has become. The Party that began by warning how Australia was in danger of being swamped by Asians now has more Asians within it than Australia’s Universities. It is rumoured that the Immigration department is looking to establish a new migrant visa category, specifically for Chinese and Indian citizens who wish to emmigtate to Australia via the One Nation candidate pathway. The visa will cost $20,000 and a free vindaloo or bowl of wanton soup payable to the immigration officer.

WA’s only sitting member of Parliament for One Nation, Ben Dawkins has coincidentally just quit the Party and will be running as an Independent at the next election, but he has not disclosed whether he has quit the Party in protest at the inclusion of Mr Singh as a candidate or the diarrhoea he has kept experiencing after being forced to eat onion bajees at all the Party meetings.

Either way, Dawkins has had no record of standing up for White interests whilst being in office, so he’s hardly the Great White Hope we’ve all been searching for.

The decline of One Nation was brought to the attention of their supporters when it kicked Fraser Anning out of the Party in 2018 for pining for a return to Menzies era Immigration policies before he was sworn into Parliament, and before his maiden speech where he proposed a “final solution” to get Australia there that was as conspicuously absent of any gas chambers as a German WW2 bureaucracy document. Somehow this speech offended Jews even though Anning was talking about Muslims. He obviously simply mis-spoke and meant to say Gaza instead of Australia when talking about removing Muslims and would likeky be PM today if he had.

But there is a small glimmer of hope for Western Australians in the next State Election. At least for the seat of Kwinana. Former One Nation member Paul Howard has established a new Conservative Party named The Australian Patriots Party, to challenge WA Premier Roger Cook in his own seat. They have a net zero immigration policy and promote “Christian Anglo Celtic culture and values”. Paul has been described by another disgruntled former One Nation member as “the life and soul of One Nation before starting his own Party”.

As a faaaaar right extreme extremist myself, I am always wary of giving any support to those who describe themselves as Conservative. For the failure of Conservatives to conserve anything over the past 50 years has been more spectacular than Ray Gun’s attempt to win gold in breakdancing at the Paris Olympics. I had never heard the name of Paul Howard before, much less seen him at any Whites dominant social event around Perth. So I decided to contact the Party and ask them whether open support from such a white supreme pizza as myself that is garnished with an extra topping of racism and antisemitism would help or hinder their efforts? Would they welcome the support of open white Nationalists or would they prefer to cuck? This was their response:

“We describe our party as National Conservative, with a strong element of Australian Nationalism.

“We want Australia to remain a predominantly English speaking, Christian, Anglo-Celtic nation, so as long as our supporters believe in our aims, we are open to their support.

“It’s difficult to know exactly the pros and cons we would garner from having support from so called White Nationalists, but we believe in having No White guilt and not being self hating or self flagellating, so maybe there would be more upside to having such supporters.”

So there you go. Nazis in Kwinana you have a Party you can vote for. State Security can lower their paranoia about right wing terrorism that has never once occurred, because we are all in on democracy once more, baby! (Don’t worry Piggies, Im sure youll still be able to spin our peaceful activities and growing support as a reason to keep increasing your donut budget). For the rest of WA’s White Nationalists, go and register as a member to make sure they have enough members to be eligible to run a candidate in the election.

They are focusing all their efforts on just the seat of Kwinana, but with a bit of mainstream media hysteria they will likely grow and be able to field more candidates in more seats in the future.

Australia may still be lacking a truly White Nationalist Party but at least we have again a Party that embodies what One Nation once promised to be. A Party that advocates for the interests of White Australians like Labor and Liberals once did before I was born. It’s shrimp on the barbie time once more and not a curry or “flied lice” in sight.

You can find The Australian Patriots Party at Twitter.

You can find Stephen Wells at Telegram and purchase his books here.