The great Biden pardon free for all


By now, despite all of the distracting with mysterious drones over New Jersey, people are beginning to wake up to the news of the great Biden pardon free for all that still has another month to run. Thus far, “Biden”, is up to 8,063 pardons. For context, former top spot holder FDR has around 3,700 pardons, then we have Woodrow Wilson with 2,500 odd, and Obama with a pathetic 1,800. It’s kinda like ranking all of the scumbag lefty presidents in order when you think about it. Trump managed a measly 237 in comparison.

I have Biden’s name in inverted commas because it’s not Biden that is doing this. Sure, his shaky hand might be signing each form, although I doubt it; can anyone contemplate having to sign over 8,000 pardons? And in any case, this is presupposing that he is still alive.

No, this is the Deep State taking care of their own. And I am of the opinion that the great pardon free for all was the main reason that the 2020 election was so obviously stolen. No matter what you may think, stealing the 2020 election in such an obvious manner was a massive risk for those that were behind it. When you steal something you do not ultimately know how it is going to go down. In other words, you never have full control over events. But they took the risk anyway, which means that they were intensely motivated by a very big potential payoff.

We are seeing that payoff unfolding before us now. To be fair, they did not come up with the list of individuals to be pardoned over the last couple of months. It has been a work in progress over the last four years. This is the entire point of the fake Biden presidency. To look after their own, and to take the payoffs associated with such power. Have a look at this list of convicted fraudsters and the amounts of money that they swindled. They’ve all received pardons. Do you think all of that money has been recovered? Would you like to buy a bridge I’m selling?

Expect the total number of pardons to keep climbing. How high it will go is anyone’s guess. But while it’s going on, look over there – UFOs over New Jersey! War with Russia! Syria falls! Clean house, baby, clean house. I’m sure that a lot of hard drives are being shit-canned as we speak. There won’t be any rest over the Christmas season for the rats cleaning up the sinking ship.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.