Only Societies that Treat Women as Property Survive


Over at Sigma Frame there is a discussion on whether the onus should be on women to control themselves and police each other as regards to matters of fornication. This was prompted by a twitter exchange between a man and a woman where the man ended his response with the following bolded line:

“So what’s the solution? For an individual, it starts with foregoing fornication and seeking potential mates who are doing the same. And practically speaking, that means deliberately seeking marriage at younger ages before fornication ruins them.

On a societal level, it means penalizing fornication again to restrain it — first socially (i.e. bring back slut-shaming) and eventually legally. And men, it should be clear by now that women aren’t going to suddenly start restraining themselves, so it has to start with us.

The guys at Sigma Frame took exception to the part in bold.

It’s called moral agency — WILLPOWER BABY!  Women (and men) who lay the blame on men for female promiscuity are denying female agency.  They’re saying that women are mere children, helpless victims of their own hypergamy, incapable of making their own choices.  Remember, immaturity is latent evil.  So laying into this tack is a roundabout way of saying that women are evil and they cannot be helped.  This is disrespectful and unloving to women …

… Women are conformists, but they conform to the female herd consensus and The Narrative™ more than authorities (e.g. father, husband, pastor, God’s law, etc.). There needs to be a critical mass of queen bees who start policing their respective cliques and peer clutches to do what is right.

So again, the onus is on women.

I’m going to have to strongly disagree with this.

If the onus is on women then you are experiencing societal collapse. No nation or kingdom in the history of mankind has survived women having sexual moral agency. Women’s sexual instincts are to go after men who are cads. The more sexual partners that a man has had then the more that he is attractive to women. This type of scenario implies a severe lack of impulse control and an attachment to short term thinking. For the individual cad, this is not a problem. For the woman this is a problem. For a society, this is the worst thing possible save the barbarians at the gates, and even the barbarians are survivable in comparison to this threat.

Women cannot, do not, and have never in the history of mankind policed themselves in this matter. To be impolite, you are fucking deluded if you think that women would ever show leadership and police themselves in this regard.

The onus is and always has been on men to keep their women under control and to protect them from their own bad instincts. Frankly, our western societies are so far gone in this regard that I doubt they will survive the awful mistake of female emancipation. If they are to be saved then it will have to happen with the coming generations.

Which means fathers protecting their daughters with the active and understanding support of their wives. They must be on the same page on this.

It means raising your daughter with complete awareness of the realities of the sexual marketplace. And very simply that means that the more sexual partners that a woman has had then the less attractive she will be to men. This is the exact opposite of what women find attractive in cads. Daughters need to be raised and taught that they must protect their virginity at all costs .

And then fathers need to actively protect and support their daughters. This means that on no account would you send your teenage daughter away to college, as but one example. You raise her correctly and then you actively help her to find a prospective husband within your community. You don’t leave it up to chance. You don’t allow her to go out into the big bad world and “find herself”; you may as well throw her to the wolves. You treat your daughters as property that must be protected and you make damn well sure that her future husband will be up to the job of protecting her.

This is how societies behave that expect to survive. Your modernist ears might rebel against this message, but it’s not my fault that you’ve been drenched with modernist communist propaganda your entire lives. There is and never has been anything known as a “critical mass of queen bees”. On the other hand, there is and always have been societies that are patriarchal. Just why do you think modernists made that word to be both anathema and an ad hominem attack?

You want the red pill on women? This is the ultimate red pill on women.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.