Good People who Live in Evil Societies


In this article I wish to expand my thoughts that I expressed in my previous piece, Only Societies that Treat Women as Property Survive. I have no doubt that the ideas in that article and the manner in which I expressed them ruffled a few feathers. So I think there needs to be a more thoughtful examination of just why the points that I put forward are so important and relevant to where we are today as societies and communities.

In any society there are good people and bad people. Good people usually function from a position of good intent in their actions, and bad people tend to do the opposite. But people’s actions are always framed within the society in which they live. It is important to keep this in mind, as if a society itself is fallen and it has turned towards evil, then good people in general will be affected by that and their actions will tend to fall in line with the prevailing norms of said society.

In an evil society, good people will habitually do bad things. That is the greatest tragedy of such a malformed society. I gave the example in the previous article of fathers blindly sending their daughters away to college. The good people who are fathers think and presume that they are doing the right thing because that is what their society demands of them. They obey and in doing so they commit evil. Their daughters are invariably changed for the worse by the experience, and in many cases their lives will be ruinously affected.

In the same society, bad people will do bad things anyway. Perhaps they abuse their daughters, or directly neglect them. But invariably in such a society they are not held to account. Their badness blends in with the overwhelming noise of corruption within which they hide and thrive.

In a well ordered society, good people will adhere to the just and right laws and traditions on which the society is based. In the case of treating their women as property, they will do so not out of a desire for power but from an act of love. Patriarchy, true patriarchy, is love. They protect and by doing so they act out their love. They do not just teach their daughters to value and protect their virginity, they also instruct their sons on how to treat women and to not go around deflowering virgins.

If a son does grow up to be a cad and does attempt to go around deflowering virgins, then the laws of the society will cause punishment to be inflicted upon him. He will not nearly hide his bad behavior so easily, and the consequences will be severe.

Our society today talks a big game of valuing women, but in reality, in its actions, it does not value women at all. Women are free in the sense that they are free to squander their lives chasing after the goodies that society has told them will make their lives better and worthwhile. Anyone objecting to this state of affairs will be attacked. A good example of this is the tradwife movement.

Objections to the idea of societies treating women as property tend to focus on what bad individuals will do in such a situation. Instead, the focus should be on how such societies work in general, and how such environments can allow women and men and their children to flourish. No honest appraisal of the state of affairs of the family in Western societies today could ever suggest that men and women and children are flourishing.

The best examples of such societies throughout history have been Catholic. Something worth considering.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.