Women are not Warriors


I have noted that a female boxer got beaten up rather quickly by another boxer who may or may not be female, it’s so hard to tell these days. Remember folks, it was the feminists who introduced the term ‘gender’ back in the 1970s as a replacement for the term biological sex or just sex, as in ‘a person’s sex’. And they were successful, but their opening of such a Pandora’s Box now has its culmination in the demonic trans movement. Look out, my words may be ‘problamatic’.

First of all, female boxing is a cultural and societal abomination. It is the ultimate example of why the vast majority of female sports are unacceptable in a normal and healthy society. Apart from a few isolated examples, female sports transform women into men. Girls who practice hard physical sports in their teens will delay the growth of their breasts, as but one example. Their bodies become hard and wiry and masculine. Their feminine curves and softness are lost in a muscular mess, a poor substitute for a man’s hard shape but a nightmarish travesty nonetheless.

Women’s sports exists so as to defeat the most dreaded patriarchy. What this means in the evil reality of the System is to destroy the social fabric of our nations. The epitome of this is women’s combat sports, events such as boxing or MMA fighting. Women are not warriors, and they never will be. But they are being groomed as such, and now we see women being forced into combat roles against their will in the Ukraine. The West will soon introduce conscription for men and women. Our women should be the most precious thing that we protect, but instead they will soon be slaughtered in combat.

The Western navies of the world have promoted women in fighting positions for decades. The Russians and Chinese do not do this, of course. They recognise the absurdities and the detrimental effect such co-ed ships have on fighting morale. But in war, ships die hard, and sailors die hard as well. A fighting ship in its death is a slaughterhouse as there is nowhere to hide, and only a watery grave for comfort if the sharks don’t get you first. This is what our societies think is beneficial for our precious women.

There was a saying back in the old manosphere that eggs are precious but sperm is cheap. Both are needed to rebuild a nation depopulated and devastated after war, but a lack of women will be a far greater hindrance than a lack of men. We treat our women as expendable. That is what women’s boxing represents. Such societies do not deserve to survive. The two sides currently howling at each other over which boxer should have been able to compete are actually working to the same script. They both want the destruction of our societies. Their only disagreement is on how soon such devastation should come.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.