Dave Pellowe vows to fight Human Rights Commission over Welcome To Country


UPDATE: To read Dave Pellowe’s direct response to the false allegations against him, you can read his post at the Richardson Post here.

The Lying Press would have us believe “our democracy” is under threat from Christian fundamentalists or something.

Meanwhile, far left extremist activists infiltrate peaceful Christian conferences in order to sabotage any action by Christians to organise politically:

A conservative preacher says he has been hauled before the Queensland Human Rights Commission after refusing to perform the Welcome to Country at a conference.

Dave Pellowe, an outspoken right-wing commentator and Christian minister, said the complaint was made by an attendee of one of his “Church and State” conferences in Queensland earlier this year after he told the man he chose to leave out the Indigenous ceremony because “you can’t mix Christianity, a true religion, with something that is made up”.

Instead of the Welcome to Country or Acknowledgement of Country, which are ubiquitous before events as a sign of respect to Indigenous Australians, Mr Pellowe read out a Bible verse, Psalm 24, which begins: “The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it, He founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.”

Well said. Australia belongs to God. It is ruled by our earthly sovereign, King Charles III and, should we have the strength to maintain our ownership, to the Australian people, the Anglo, Saxon and Celtic descendants of the British settlers of Australia.

Mr Pellowe claimed the man who raised the complaint had attended the May event, one of a series held across Queensland electorates in partnership with the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL), only to later complain that “I have racially vilified and humiliated him on the grounds of his race and religion”.

The complaint does not specifically relate to the Welcome to Country or the Bible verse, according to Mr Pellowe, but rather his answer about the decision.

“I don’t know if he’s some other religion or why he came to a Christian event to hear from a Christian teacher of Christian doctrine,” he told online news network ADH TV.

“The ubiquitousness of these Welcome to Country rituals being imposed upon Australians of all beliefs or non-belief at sporting events, when you land on a plane, when you walk into a government building, when you visit a website, when you start a Zoom meeting.

You cannot open a can of Vegemite in this country without burning some gumleaves.

“These are religious rituals which Christians in particular should have no part of. And under a democratic, allegedly secular and pluralistic society, it should also be something that the taxpayer doesn’t fund and the government doesn’t impose. It’s the duty of Christians to preach the truth and gospel and to not mix Christianity with false religion, such as the Aboriginal traditional religion, which is bearing all the hallmarks of paganism … inherently false beliefs.”

“On the principle of it, I will not apologise for preaching the gospel,” he said.

Yes, the so-called “Welcome to Country” is a demonic ritual, and its ubiquity is designed to implant the false belief that Australia belongs to aboriginals instead of the White man.

Speaking to 2GB host Ben Fordham on Friday, Mr Pellowe said the goal of the tour was to teach Christians the “historical and scriptural background and permission that Christians have to participate in democracy and exercise their voice just like any other constituency in the nation”.

“It’s a Christian teaching meeting by Christians, for Christians, of Christian doctrine,” he said.

According to Mr Pellowe, at the end of the evening during the Q&A, a friend of the complainant asked why he was not afraid of offending anyone by not doing a Welcome to Country.

“So I gave a full and analytical assessment of the differences between Aboriginal traditional religion and Christianity, and concluded that they’re incompatible and that no authentic, loving Christian should mix the two,” he said.

“And that, the complainant alleges, is racial vilification and humiliation.”

Mr Pellowe said now a complaint had been filed, he was compelled to respond to the QHRC.

“This is where the problem is … with a grievance industry that has no bar for accepting grievances,” he said.

“As long as it fits in the category … if the complaint is an allegation of vilification or discrimination or something like that, they don’t need to establish any merit or validity or credibility to it, they’ll just accept it, the bar is that low. Then the target of that complaint is compulsorily required to attend conciliation.”

He said the “big deal” wasn’t the Bible verse “as much as my answer and analysis of the differences between the religions”.

“That obviously was the trigger for them to ask a question and to I guess fish for the offence that they were looking for,” he said.

Correct, the extremist activist was fishing for offence. The takeaway is that there must be no dialogue whatsoever between Christians and far left extremist activists. They are our enemies, it is not our job to change their hearts, it is our job to oppose them. There is no such thing as an innocent question as to why you are not conducting a demonic aboriginal ceremony. The question itself is a trap designed as a pretext to invoke 18C.

Due to its demonic and subversive nature, the so-called “Welcome to Country” offends, insults, humiliates and intimidates Anglos and anybody who conducts it or insists upon it should be hauled before a HRC.

However, as the plethora of Human Rights Commissions across Australia are utilised almost exclusively against White, Christian and heterosexual (ie normal) Australians, their very existence offends, insults, humiliates and intimidates Anglos. By their logic for existing in the first place, these bodies should face their own court and be liquidated in the process.

Demonic aboriginal practices have become an official religion in Australia, and the discrimination against White Christians via the hilariously named “Human Rights Commissions” has made our suppression the law of the land. Both are acts of war against us, as failure to comply with their edicts will eventually result in armed enforcement.

Mr Pellowe should be applauded for refusing to back down:

“And I won’t apologise for preaching the gospel and for saying that false religion has no place beside or integrated with Christianity.”

Mr Pellowe has claimed he is prepared to go to jail to defend his rights, but he conceded to Fordham “I don’t think it’ll come to that”.

We are in the pre-kinetic phase of revolution. Christians and ordinary Australians will pool resources against far left extremists in order to fight this “legal” battle. The extremists will receive plentiful donations, in addition to grifting taxpayer funds from the very people they are fighting against. This lawfare against Christians and Nationalists is designed to drain time, energy and resources. Thus while it is important to oppose ClownWorld on every front, we must maintain our perspective of long term goals and solutions.

The fact that they set the trap in the first place reveals their terror at the prospect of an aggressive, politicised White Christian constituency. As always, the lesson is to keep praying, lifting and organising.

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