The Blasphemous Terror Rape Satanic Olympics


If you, dear reader, are sitting on the fence regarding the state of the world, if you in any way think it’s possible that things aren’t quite as bad as what all those conspiracy theorists on the internet are saying, then I have two questions for you.

Firstly, how hateful must one be to use drag queens groomers in the opening ceremony of an Olympic Games to mock The Last Supper?

Secondly, why do you still watch television? I have no idea what the TV presenters said after this, because there was no way I was going to watch given previous opening ceremonies.

Did they say something like “hmmm, that was a little blasphemous, now let’s ask this gay invader what he thinks about these dancers pretending to die suddenly, right after this McDonalds commercial.”

Did the White boomers babysitting their half Asian grandchildren see this and think, “oh, that seems a little satanic, could you make me another tea?”

When normies hear news of an (alleged) rape against a White Aussie woman by a black invader; when journalists are attacked and robbed in the open; when they hear that it is so dangerous in Paris that the Australian squad has been advised not to wear their uniforms around town; Are they really that easily hoodwinked into thinking it’s nothing to do with diversity, but all just to do with Hamas and we need to bomb Iran?

Moments like this are the equivalent of someone shaking you while you sleep, attempting to wake you from a very deep dream. You cannot watch what is supposed to be a global sporting event, only for it to be utilised for satanic globalist propaganda, and not realise that there is something awfully, disgustingly wrong with this world.

Once we come to this realisation, we must permanently alter the way we interact with what we ironically refer to as “mainstream” society. To the extent that we do have contact, it must be to clutch others from its grasp and to extract resources we require. We must form communities with those who are separating themselves from it, and either work towards ClownWorld’s downfall or let it descend to hell by its own hand.

Finally, remember that there is a reason they hate White people, and a reason they hate Christianity. They chose Paris as the city in which to commence two and a half centuries of White genocide.

It continues today but Jesus offers us hope.

You can find The XYZ on X and Gab.