XYZ Live #134 – Good News on the Faaah-Right


Last night on XYZ Live, Matty and I brainstormed a brilliant solution to the antisemitism question. It appears that antisemitism in the West is rising, and it is likely that this is due to the mass importation of non-Westerners, who appear to be immune to vital German World War 2 Lockdown education.

It’s a no-brainer.

Get rid of all of the non-Westerners, and you can have pureblooded Aryan states where 100% of people have the correct views on the German World War 2 Lockdown, because only white people can be made to care about it for some reason.


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Here is the stream on YouTube.

On Sunday night, Matty discussed how Gary Ablett is speaking truth to power.

You can also watch on YouTube.