A man allegedly murdered a prostitute in Sydney this week, and afterwards ran down the street brandishing a knife and causing chaos. He was tackled by a few brave men on the spot who used chairs and a milk crate to overcome him, guns being naughty in Australia. It only emerged a few days after the fact that the murdered women was a prostitute. Worse than this, her family didn’t know as she was assumed to be a good girl studying at university.
It turns out that she was studying at university. But a girl has to have an income and all so she and a friend were on the job, as such. Well, it turns out that this is not so unusual these days in the world of higher education.
Sex industry targets uni students on campus.
“University students are being aggressively targeted by the sex industry, with so many working as prostitutes that support groups have become common on campus.
“In the wake of Michaela Dunn’s death in Sydney this week, it has emerged that sex-worker welfare organisations routinely set up stalls at university open days.
“Cameron Cox, chief executive of the government-funded Sex Workers Outreach Project (SWOT), told The Weekend Australian that prostitution was seen as an acceptable option by many university students. He said SWOT reached out to students on campus by running workshops at orientation days and doing talks at student union meetings to make sure young people had access to support networks.”
No Australian student needs to pay up front for tertiary education in Australia. And with Australia having the highest minimum wage in the world it is not difficult at all to fund your way through university working some waitress jobs on the side. But would waitressing cover the bills and also pay for all of this?
“Ms Dunn’s sudden cash flow in 2017 appears to have funded her extensive overseas travel — including a Contiki travel tour of Europe in 2017 and trips to Fiji and Sri Lanka last year.
“Her final trip, four months ago, was to the celebrity-studded Coachella music festival in California.”
This is not paying your way through university. This is simply selling your body to get nice stuff. Also known as greed.
While I cannot speak for the tragically late Ms Dunn I have no doubt that the large number of female hookers on campuses around Australia would also be the same type of women who eagerly participate in a variety of radical feminist causes, not to mention the #Metoo industry and all of its associated manners of extortion.
But this publicly acknowledged commonality of prostitution among university students should give future employers pause for thought when considering who to hire. Remember, university graduates are supposed to be the cream of the cream, the top tier of young people looking for work. And when you’re looking to hire someone for a role, particularly an entry level position, you’re mostly looking for a bunch of personal attributes which we could conveniently place under the heading of ‘moral ethics’. The actual skill set for the job, any job, will be taught as the entry level employee proceeds through the process of gaining skills and abilities. But what cannot be taught are moral ethics.
Moral ethics help make a manager’s life less painful. If you have to teach someone how to code and also how not to falsely accuse a valued colleague of workplace harassment then you have what is known as a headache. These can quickly add up until you have what is known as a problem. If you get too many problems then you will have the modern manager’s absolute worst nightmare which is having to fire someone, also known as the terrifying ‘making a decision’.
That prostitution is apparently seen as an acceptable option by many university students is somewhat troubling. Of course the public act of shaming is now shameful in our present day and age. But no matter what sort of spin you put on it, prostitutes have been seen throughout the millennia as trouble to be avoided. As a woman’s worth in the sexual marketplace is inversely proportional to how many dicks she has sat upon, (known as riding the cock carousel), then becoming a whore is a very bad long term idea.
In Ms Dunn’s case it was a bad short term idea as well.
This article was originally published at https://pushingrubberdownhill.com/, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam’s books here.