XYZ Live #49 – The St Kilda Beach Rally Special


The St Kilda Nazi Beach Party dominated last night’s livestream, as David Hiscox and Matty’s Modern Life dissected the event and its aftermath to get to the truth about what really happened. Key points covered:

  • The Roman Salutes plastered all over the front pages of Australian newspapers were actually meant in jest.
  • The excellent speech by Blair Cottrell.
  • Peaceful patriots contrasted against violent Antifa.
  • Fraser Anning standing firm against demands to disavow the rally and its organisers.
  • The continual portrayal by the MSM of Australian conservative activists as “nazis” is slander which could have serious legal repercussions.


Join us next week for our livestream, Monday 9:15 ADT (ish). Find us at Matty Rose Live.