Thought for the Day: Only totalitarians bill you for the bullet

Victorian Police Minister, Lisa Neville.
Victorian Police Minister, Lisa Neville.

I am glad the promoter of the Milo event in Melbourne has shot down the idea of paying the $50,000 police bill, which would effectively amount to a tax on free speech. From ninemsn:

“Promoter and Penthouse publisher Damien Coustas told 9NEWS a “user-pays model” wasn’t discussed with police prior to the event, but organisers had agreed to “cover the cost of bollards etc” to the sum of between $5000-$6000.

“What you’ve got here is a left wing politician doing a bit of grandstanding looking to capitalise on the situation politically,” Coustas said, referring to Victorian police minister Lisa Neville.

“I mean that’s just a lame duck situation to me I don’t understand why she would do that.”

“If sent the bill he’d “probably send it back” he said. “I’ll put some potpourri in the envelope too, make it smell nice.”

Totalitarians are notorious for billing the families of those they execute for the bullet. In Communist Victoria, those who wish to speak openly in public against the Cultural Marxist status quo are similarly extorted.

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Photo by Jayel Aheram