Fairfax Lets the Mask Fully Slip on their Lack of Journalistic Fundamentals and Integrity


“This, of course, is the basis of much journalism today. The reporter keeps themselves out of the story, does not blatantly offer their opinion, and, having presented the information to the audience as impartially as possible, leaves it to them to make up their own minds.

“This approach to “objectivity” needs to be put to rest once and for all.”

You’d be forgiven for thinking that this was a comment taken from Pravda in Soviet Russia circa 1962. It is not. It appears in the Sydney Morning Herald this morning as Fairfax finally lets the mask fully slip. It certainly puts their coverage of Brexit, Trump, and well…pretty much everything else in perspective.

Just the facts don’t matter anymore. The who, what, where, when, and why. Irrelevant compared to the opinion of a Fairfax journalist. This is what the quote tells us. As Ben Shapiro has articulated many times, even a biased news source still doesn’t qualify as fake news as long as they accurately adhere to reporting the facts, the who, what, where, when, and why so that the public can still draw their own conclusion as to what actually happened, even if they don’t agree with the conclusions and the way in which it is reported. So where does this leave SMH?

Clearly it telegraphs SMH and its many sister publications as agenda setters unconcerned with allowing the Proles to digest the facts alone and form their own opinions. Columnist Ruby Hamad disqualifies the average person from reading an unbiased account and being able to form their own opinion, which is dangerous ground indeed.

Ruby regards journalists as rock stars, as infallible Gods…the opinion of whom must be digested and absorbed by the plebs without checks and balances. The narcissism of this post-truth advocate is breathtaking. For anyone who doubts that the MSM has transcended the role of holding those who govern us to account, and morphed into globalist power brokers in their own right, the opening paragraph by Ruby Hamad is all the evidence that those ‘left to make up their own minds’ will ever need.

It’s your XYZ.

Photo by mohamedn