Singalong Time With the Poet!


XYZ Resident Poet, Steve B

If you’re happy like the Poet clap your hands (clap clap)
If you’re happy like the Poet clap your hands (clap clap)
If you’re happy like the Poet then you really ought to show it
If you’re happy like the Poet clap your hands. (clap clap)

Mmm, happy. It’s nice to be happy isn’t it children…

If you’re angry like a Marxist grit your teeth (grit grit)
If you’re angry like a Marxist grit your teeth (grit grit)
If you’re angry and so sad, ‘cause your small penis makes you mad
If you’re angry like a Marxist grit your teeth. (grit grit)

Grrrrr, that Marxist was really angry, wasn’t he, kids? Can you grit your teeth like a Marxist? Oohh that’s a terrifying grit Sarah…

If you’re a feminist and you’re cranky scream your hate (hate hate)
If you’re a feminist and you’re cranky scream your hate (hate hate)
If you’re a feminist and you’re cranky ‘cause you can’t get hanky panky
If you’re a feminist and you’re cranky scream your hate. (hate hate)

Mmmm, screaming is so much fun isn’t it children. Can you scream loudly Clementine? Oh Lordy, my eardrums have burst…

Let’s do another one for the Poet. All together now…

If you’re a whinging, whining snowflake screech along (screech screech)
If you’re a whinging, whining snowflake screech along (screech screech)
If you’re a whinging, whining snowflake, all your screeching will make your face ache
If you’re a whinging, whining snowflake screech along (screech screech)

Gosh Bill, that must have been sung for you…

Errrr, I think the Poet had better stop now, chilluns…

That’s all for now, wave bye bye, see you later….

It’s your XYZ.