Rising Sons – a tribute to our soldiers


On the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month of 1918, all the guns fell silent.

And at the time it was thought that it would be the end of all wars. Sadly it was not so. Since then, in all corners of the world, men and women fighting for the freedom of others have laid down their lives.

It is on this day, Remembrance Day, Armistice Day, however you like to call it, when we honour those who fought and those who died.

img_2260In 2014, I was asked to play on an album for a friend of mine whom I work with. He released an album last year on ANZAC day, in honour of the Gallipoli landings.

It is the story of soldiers at Gallipoli and I feel it is appropriate for today. Have a listen to it. Rising Sons by Lachie.

Listen out for my piano.
