An XYZ Moment


imageHave you ever read the paper, watched the news or had a discussion with friends which has forced you to bite your tongue and censor yourself, while holding back disbelief at the cognitive dissonance required of you to be a modern Australian?

If you have, you might have experienced an XYZ moment.

The XYZ is a true grassroots movement dedicated to countering the overwhelming “progressive” bias which has been propagated via political correctness.

We do not ask for government grants, we do not have Zionist backers. We freely provide our time and effort toward a purpose we think is worth fighting for.

I was involved in conceptualising the need for an XYZ. At that point, a growing frustration at the bias of the ABC, and its blatant disregard of its charter, led to the need for a contrarian voice.

Mainstream media is held hostage by the political correctness brigade and cannot hold the ABC or the left to account. Sadly, the ABC used to be an unbiased entity providing balance. But not any more.

Political correctness means that advertisers, corporations, institutions are held hostage to the dogma of political correctness. To step out of line will rapidly incur the unleashing of the attack dogs you may know as Social Justice Warriors.

For this reason, it is not hard to understand that political correctness, in all its Marxist-socialist perverse misery, rules the public narrative.

I for one, like many others, are deeply concerned and frustrated by the consequences.
The XYZ is a tool at my disposal, and yours, to fight the progressive orthodoxy.

Read, share, contribute. Discuss the ideas. Piss off a lefty. Having said that, I will finish by saying, dogma is wrong. Let the most robust ideas win, and argue on the merits of the subject at hand and not the dogma you adhere to. It is a lofty standard which the left cannot adhere to. It is a standard we must meet. It is a standard the ABC has long abandoned.

That is why we are your XYZ.