Victoria’s Andrews Government True (Red) Colours


For anyone unfortunate enough to live in the Australian state of Victoria, you know the pain of the Andrews Government.

This is the government that cares so little about taxpayers and the taxpayer funds under their care that they paid nearly $1 billions NOT to build a road.

This is the same government that has been a fervent defender of the so called but utterly depraved ‘Safe Schools’ program, even after the full extent of its sickening intention to brainwash school children into radical sex and gender theory (all without the knowledge of consent of parents) was reveal to all.

This is the very same government that sheds crocodile tears over the treatment of homosexuals in days gone by, and pats themselves on the back for being ‘inclusive’ and compassionate, yet slanders and defames anyone who happens to hold a different opinion to them.

This so called ‘Labor government’ holds nothing but contempt for traditional working class people and their values and for those who have become hooked on state welfare and dependence.

This is the same government that despite sharing the very same values, sacked the Safe Schools Coalition founder Roz Ward for expressing her hatred of the Australian flag, and her desire that the red communist banner replace it.

This is the government that is too cowardly to own up to its red colours, because the only thing that’s more important to them than their cultural Marxist agenda is their thirst for power over Victorians.