XYZ Quote of the Day: Hypocritical Bill


15856653272_e0421b069a_Bill-ShortenToday’s XYZ Quote of the Day is too big a task to leave to just one person, so we thought we would give you a taste of what the XYZ staff had to say about Bill Shorten’s immature and, dare we say it, offensive, attack on Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi. Firstly, to give you a summary of the Quote of the Day-worthy stoush which has sparked all of this off:

Bill Shorten: “We see this ridiculous, absurd obsession by the right wing of the Liberal Party about Safe Schools,”

Cory Bernardi: “That’d be me. That’d be me. At least I’m honest, Bill, but you’re a fraud, mate!”

Bill Shorten: “At least I’m not a homophobe either mate.”

Classy. Here is what Ryan Fletcher had to say on the matter:

“Bill Shorten yet again showing himself to be a loathsome little w—–, hell bent on berating anyone not supporting his love affair with social engineering. Bugger Billy boy!”

Elizabeth Couchwoman:

“Shorten was having a go at Bernardi (Shorten may disagree with the Libs on this, but that doesn’t make their position ‘absurd’) & he deserved the “at least I’m honest” quip.

And to be frank, Shorten is a fraud on this. Ten years ago the Labor party was consistently against gay marriage (heck it was barely on the radar! [Gaydar?])

“They’re being intellectually dishonest – seriously, has the whole labor party “evolved” Obama style?

“..The retail Union.. were ‘Left’ on a lot of issues, but openly against same-sex ‘marriage’. Shorten’s Union background tells us where his views probably really lie.”


“This ties into my point yesterday. They instinctively get it. If you are not with us you are against us. You are a (insert PC bullying term here eg bigot, homophobe). Note: that’s a very divisive term by Shorten. He demeaned trans, intersex with his slur.”

Seen on Catallaxy files:

“The Labor Party officially backs the sexual grooming of children.  From the party of Keith Wright, Bill D’Arcy and Bob Collins, this should surprise nobody.”

And finally, Vic Timms:


From all of us here at The XYZ, happy hunting.

Photo by John Englart (Takver)