XYZ admits error in reporting: Some media still make sense


imageAn XYZ apology:

Yesterday we said the media had gone full retard – and then we read this today. XYZ would like to acknowledge an error and issue a correction. The ABC has gone full retard. The media is akin to a bus full of window lickers, however there are a few voices of reason, sadly drowned out by the deranged progressive tourettes of the left.

Editor’s note:

For those of you without a subscription to The Australian, and thus with limited access to Janet Albrechtsen’s brilliance, here are some of the highlights:

“Like a virus that takes hold of host cells in the human body, multiculturalism’s self-loathing virus started invading Western societies more than 40 years ago. Like a form of cultural cancer, it has weakened our ability to defend our most fundamental values and, worse, it has meant the only culture open to critique and question is our own.”

On multiculturalism vs integration and assimilation:

“When migrants arrived in postwar Australia, there was a sense of obligation to the new country… The traditional three-way contract was simple: majority tolerance, minority loyalty and government vigilance in both ­directions.

“Becoming a citizen meant ­accepting responsibilities in return for clearly understood rights and privileges. A migrant renounced “all other allegiances” to swear loyalty to Australia.

“More than 40 years later, asking for minority loyalty is regarded as a sign of intolerance.”
