“Progressive” cannibalism


Did you hear the one about the leftist agitator who was accused of racism and “transphobia”? He confirmed the old adage that when you live by condemning others based on a subjective, fluid, and opportunistic construct designed to undermine the foundations of Western civilisation, you die by condemning others based on a subjective, fluid, and opportunistic construct designed to undermine the foundations of Western civilisation.

The left really do eat their own, as noted by both The XYZ and PJTV. In this episode of Trifecta the always excellent PJTV crew gleefully poke fun at the case of Peter Tatchell, a long time “progressive” campaigner. His stance in support of fellow long-time radical, Germaine Greer, has led to his being deemed a “transphobe” and “racist” by Fran Cowling, the National Union of Student’s LGBT representative in the UK. Germaine Greer has been “banned” from speaking at certain universities for refusing to accept that a man can become a woman, and it appears that merely calling for the right to free speech on the matter will earn similar treatment from some on the left.

Despite support for Tatchell in many quarters, including the Guardian, the point is this: whenever socialists who come to power, it is the following generation, for whom they are responsible for moulding intellectually, who ultimately consume them. Like the debate over vaccinations, one can only hope the left descend into fully-blown civil war and cannibalism. Whether it is Russia in the 1930’s, or Western university campuses in modern times, our schaden, in the words of Steve Green, is so far up our Freude, it is swimming.