The Ford’s Prayer

The XYZ is delighted to bring you anachronistic Soviet propaganda art, presented in a format which undermines its original intention.

Our spiritual guardian, who art in all,
Equal in outcomes be thy name.

Thy utopia come, the people’s will, decided by a small murderous clique of those who have annointed themselves the arbiters of the people’s will, be done,

The XYZ is delighted to bring you anachronistic Soviet propaganda art, presented in a format which undermines its original intention.
The XYZ is delighted to bring you anachronistic Soviet propaganda art, presented in a format which undermines its original intention.

On earth.

Give us this day our daily handout.

And don’t tell us what to do,
As we tell others what to do.

Do not attempt to impose your norms of behaviour on us,
But deliver us from strong conservative leaders.

For ours is the People’s Democracy, the power and the glory,
For as long as I can cling to power before I am knifed in the back,
