Sarah Sea Patrol


Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young is to spend the winter break from federal parliament in the sunny Mediterranean, taking part in search and rescue operations with the Italian navy.

imageThe Senator was reported to be very pleased to be fleeing the present cold snap gripping her home state of South Australia, and blissfully unaware of the dramatic rise in unemployment there, being far too busy with matters of global importance to worry about trifles like the lives of her constituents. When questioned about the nature of her planned activities on the high seas, Senator Hanson Young expressed her delight that the popular Australian television program Sea Patrol was expanding into the European market, and looking forward to a guest role in the long running drama where she will play herself.

The European version of Sea Patrol will reportedly also feature the bearded captain of the Sea Shepherd, Paul Watson, seeking to ram a people smuggling ship commanded by former Costa Concordia Captain Francesco Schettino.