Saviour of Italy Salvini channels Tony Soprano


Australia needs some politicians like Matteo Salvini.

This clip is amazing. Notice how the SJW, who has demanded that it is Italy’s responsibility to take those supposedly fleeing war, has only one recourse when Salvini forces him to admit that the Italian government is housing refugees in hotels when Italians are sleeping in their cars:

Cry “racism”.

Notice that despite the typical Italian animation, it is Salvini making the rational arguments, while it is the SJW appealing to emotion and issuing the slurs of “propaganda” and “racism”. SJW’s are conditioned to view Salvini’s devastating finish – “go practice politics in Africa” – as “hatespeech”, but even this line is more rational than any argument the SJW makes, and it highlights an important truth:

People naturally advocate, and should advocate, for the interests of their own.

Salvini acknowledges and respects the primacy of in-group preference.  It is no wonder the globalists are trying to bring charges against him.  They must be terrified.

We could learn something from the Italians. They know how to defend their turf. Here’s Tony Soprano defending his turf, and patrolling his daughter:

He seems perfectly happy with the outcome:

Jamal Ginsberg. lol. #ICantBelieveItsNotAMeme

And this:

“Oh you’d rather have her looking at pictures of soup cans rather than being close to home.”

In one brief sentence Tony Soprano sums up the insidiousness of Cultural Marxism, while demonstrating why the Italians are going to be just fine.

It’s your XYZ.

Special thanks to SPQR. Rest up mate.