Angela in Wonderland

Picture by Ryan Fletcher
Picture by Ryan Fletcher
Picture by Ryan Fletcher

Recent events have served to articulate, in a Wizard of Oz peer behind the curtains sense, the inherent lie of the PC brigade and the multicultural rainbow-coloured road they are leading us down.

In a perverse fashion, Dorothy is travelling with genderless, raceless, classless, secular companions who are anything but.

In this Wonderland, her companions are the Social Justice Warriors who slap down dissent from the inhabitants as they journey toward social justice. Meanwhile in their wake, they let in a maundering mob who lay waste to the very values of social justice they purport to espouse.

The cognitive dissonance of poor old Dorothy could be challenged if she would but open her eyes, but she is under an incredible spell from the wicked witches of social media.

The spell is a form of idealism in which Islam is the religion of peace. IS is not Islamic. Suffering is virtue, strength is weakness, and savagery is the ultimate expression of the heights of the human spirit.

When Dorothy sees scores of Maedchens being molested by a mob of Ewoks, the spell of PC permits her to see or say nothing. The reality has nothing to do with the ideal of her Wonderland, and this just serves to make the Ewoks stronger.

Concerned villagers are labelled as Nazi’s and trolls as their concerns are not aligned with the ideal.

When an army comes knocking at the doors of Wonderland, Dorothy campaigns to let in the suffering Ewoks she sees in her spell of PC.

The ending of her story has not been written, but at this junction of the story some things are clear:

– If it does not align with the fantasy of PC, the media and authorities must deny it happened and avoid reporting.

– If it appeals to the good nature of people, then death, drowning, starvation and manufactured suffering, ideally with a compelling (and stage managed) image, is news and must be sold to the masses.

Poor old Dorothy will need to win over the people she has screwed over if she is to save the day and repel the frenemies she has gathered during her journeys in Wonderland.

Photo by mockstar