The Men Who Had No Ideas


The Liberal Party of Australia must die. I say this with not a trace of sorrow, nor do I accompany it with some self-pitying trope along the lines of “what has conservatism ever conserved.” I say it purposefully and with a sense of optimism. I truly look forward to the moment of its demise, a demise that has become a burning necessity. My words may come as a shock to many on the right, but it must be so, for the survival of the Australian people is at stake.

When I say die, I mean it. Not weakened nor voted out of office. Not reduced to a rump party. Not transformed through infiltration, not remade with a fresh party name slapped over the same old  ideas and certainly not usurped by a kindred liberal-Zionist outfit. Political death, utter and final with no chance of return. The Liberal Party of Australia and all of its loyal factotums, all its carefully erected power structures, buried deep underground in an unmarked grave next to the DLP and the Australian Democrats. Any laggards that survive its inglorious end must be ruthlessly excluded, lest they begin the venture again.

These words arise from a salient fact. Namely, that for more than 50 years now, many of the loudest voices amongst political dissidents anxious about Australia’s demographic future have clung to a singular idea, one that has squandered so much precious time and energy. And what is this grand idea? It is, in short, the belief that nationalist victory or salvation for White Australia will come by means of the Liberal-National Coalition. Like the proverbial dog who returns to its vomit, so the Australian nationalist returns to the Liberal Party. Each generation produces those who bewitch themselves anew with the conviction that, by some stoke of their own unique political genius, with some fantastical plan of action that no one else has come up with before, an opportunity exists for the vomit to be reconstituted into a viable political vehicle to attain a pro-White future.

The exact stratagem changes across the decades, but the overall scheme – victory through the LNP – does not. The most daring of the bunch go for a direct infiltration of the Liberal organism, a lone climber who conceals his or her true beliefs as they ascend the party ranks or a gaggle of conspirators sneaking through the youth wing or the local branch. Sometimes the way is made open to them by members of the Liberal Party itself, tacticians who recognise the utility of courting discardable dupes from the fringe. An olive branch is offered by a representative of the Liberal-right faction, along with the promise that if they hold tight and trust the party machine hard enough, the Liberals will soon transform rightwards.

Others envisage a flank attack via a Liberal satellite, through a One Nation or a Libertarian party, a move that will surely force the hand of the Liberals, pressuring them to toughen their rhetoric. And if said satellite is, as is so often the case, led by former members of the Liberal-right, in truth stabilisers dispatched to keep the wider conservative base intact, they can chalk it up to proof that good men can still be found in the party ranks. For those averse to back-room dealing, options lie external to party politics. There’s always a veritable smorgasbord of enticing Liberal-adjacent groups to pick from. Perhaps they join a paleocon group and work to revive a conservative impulse within the ‘broad church’ absent since the defenestration of Abbott. Others get involved with an anti-immigration lobby to “push the message” and build a political consensus around a policy issue, and then hope and pray the Liberals are listening. And finally, for those who have no desire to even attempt real life activism, vote tactically to shift things in the right direction, then ignore the sound of your preferences flowing straight back to the LNP.

These schemers, the lone wanderers and conference go-ers, the blog posters and podcast hosters, the outsiders with no leverage to speak of, invariably see themselves as the political savants of their age. Meanwhile those seasoned operators of the Liberal Party, experts in lying to people to draw in new votes, men awash with funding who have spent their entire professional career mixed in political intrigue, are mere rubes ready to be had, intellectual lightweights who can effortlessly be outsmarted and outmanoeuvred. The schemers truly believe they have the measure of the hapless Liberal. We can use them, they say, on the path towards power. And yet only one side ever seems to emerge victorious.

But death? Surely that is too much, they protest. Surely something can be preserved of this proud Australian institution (un)successfully upholding Australian values since 1944. But what is there worth preserving? What political history have they been reading that the defenders of the Australian nation haven’t? A brief history lesson will more than suffice to show the problem.

Way back when in 1975, a tumultuous election saw Malcolm Fraser win a majority never seen before in the Australian parliament. An electoral landslide for the Liberals delivered off the back of widespread angst at immigration policy and Whitlam‘s newfangled multicultural rhetoric. And what did this steady hand of Anglo-Australia do with his political free reign? He gave us the first boat people and then gladly embraced Australia’s multicultural future.

In 1996, John Howard, the saviour of the left-behind Labor battlers, the man who once breathlessly announced to the nation his fear of an Asian takeover, swept aside Keating’s black armband in order to bring forth the largest increase in migration in Australia’s history – drawn from Asia of course. In the 2010s, the unholy trinity of Abbott-Turnbull-Morrison repeated the feat once more, taking the political capital handed to them by Labor’s failure to #stoptheboats and using it to open the border floodgates even wider.

Now it seems there is cause for cautious optimism. Andrew Bolt has spoken the words “replacing Australians” on national television! And the man of the hour is Peter Dutton, the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection during the above-mentioned era, the man who gallantly vanquished the Voice to Parliament… in the name of anti-racism. He is sure to push things in the proper direction and immigration reform will be right around the corner. Just join in the fight, place your faith in Dutton and the Liberal Party and all will be well!

One can go even further. Point out the articles in the Liberal Party constitution espousing the virtues of racial diversity and multiculturalism. Show them that the list of major Liberal donors reads like a Tel Aviv phone book, filled to the brim with members of the chosen race who year after year pour funds into the party to ensure that nationalism never sees the light of day. To speak of strategy, explain to them that all successful nationalist movements have proceeded not from joining ranks with, but from collapsing the establishment conservative party. And which party was it that ended the White Australia Policy, that legalised gay marriage, that retained the hate speech laws? List these sins until you are blue in the face. No matter, you’ve wasted your breath. The future of Australian nationalism must involve the Liberal Party in some form or another. The dog must return to its vomit.

But nationalists must remain optimistic, maybe this time finally we can break the cycle. Surely you understand that White identity politics, in all its forms, is poison to the establishment politician? Need I even mention that no one willingly swallows poison unless they have the antidote ready by their side. If they are willing to take your support, a nefarious stratagem is afoot, one that will never play out to your benefit. And if the person extending the hand has an Asian wife and mixed-race children, well, don’t say they didn’t warn you when the inevitable betrayal occurs.

Liberal Party coattail riding is not a plan or an idea, it’s a lack of one. It is a sign that your interlocutor has failed to conceive an original political thought, does not have confidence in the powerful appeal of nationalism. They are ignorant of history, of those who have come before them, or worse still, enjoy the prestige offered to them by Liberal adjacency and have no real desire to change Australia’s fate. It shows they don’t understand the name of the game. The Liberal Party and their accomplices exist to prevent nationalism. They are not our potential allies, they are our direct competitors. They occupy the political space so that nationalists can’t.

Doubtless these words will be taken by my detractors with the usual dismissals. Just let me predict: “It’s better to do something rather than nothing. Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. The French Turn worked for the Left. Yes the LNP has its faults, but Labor and the Greens are the more pressing concern.” These excuses have been sung for decades, but where have they gotten nationalism? Nowhere. The Communists managed to play havoc within the Labor Party, that is true. But do you have the backing of a superpower like the USSR?

If you truly believe in nationalism and a future for white Australians, the path ahead is a difficult one. Just ask those who have tried. Your efforts will be met with scorn and contempt. Chances are you will win neither fame nor fortune. The state and its antifa auxiliaries will mobilise against you and legal woes, even prison time, will be your constant companion. This and more you must be willing to endure, for the Liberal Party will not be so easily dislodged.

If all you are after is status and money, fine, go and infiltrate the Liberal ecosystem. Convince yourself that by joining their ranks you are helping “the cause” and somehow, despite all evidence to the contrary, shifting things towards victory. Enjoy the thrill of being the secret agent, the rush you get from seeing your essays show up in the Spectator or Quadrant, the excitement of having Liberal insiders and sitting MPs appear on your internet show. The good life has its appeals, we all understand, but don’t expect true nationalists, men who want real change, to follow you. You claim you are on your way to consume the Liberal Party, in reality the Liberal Party is consuming you.

Originally published at The Noticer.