Are You Tired of Losing Yet?


My thoughts on the election. As I predicted, Trump won. Whether or not the electoral college will vote him president, (or even if he is around to be sworn in), remains to be seen.

Back in 2016 our side of the internet was riding high, delirious with optimism. Trump was president and Brexit passed. 8 years later and the world is a much darker place, or perhaps it is just obviously dark now whereas before it was more hidden behind the crumbling facade of materialism with which they bribed us.

I notice that most of our side of the internet is riding high on the optimism hit once again. “Are you tired of winning yet” is doing the rounds like it did in 2016. As we look around our ruined cities, our populations displaced by hordes of incompatible invaders, our businesses crushed under ruinous taxes and bureaucracy, our crumbling infrastructure, our unaffordable housing and runaway inflation, our children brainwashed with woke ideology and their bodies destroyed by the pure evil of sex change surgery, our destroyed universities, our institutions captured by the woke brigade so that young white men are no longer welcome and cannot contribute to their own societies, our women poisoned by feminism, our families destroyed by 60 years of relentless attack, and finally our spiritual lives hollowed out and our church captured and subverted so that the few of us who still desire to worship our Lord as He must be worshiped are forced to find isolated and hidden churches far away and with no hope of forming a real community, as I gaze at this complete ruin I must admit that I find the idea of winning very far from my mind.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.