Food for thought – Starve the rent-a-rejects of attention

Cartoon by Ryan Fletcher
Cartoon by Ryan Fletcher

Those XYZ readers who are still searching for a New Year’s resolution should consider joining in with mine, which is to refrain from conversing with enviroNazis, femiNazis and all round general Leftards.

Straight up for zealous old-school grunts like myself, getting roped into long winded threads with moonbats is one of those annoying temptations that is really unworthy of my time.

These predictable provocations from bemusing hate devotees, who revel in bull-baiting, will be getting a generic reply from me this year to their tongue in cheek responses. Something along the lines of “Sorry not interested dialoguing with ringworms reeking of progress repellent” (get creative with telling them where to go).

While I’m sure they’ll be working on their misleading mantras (being an election year and all) it’s important to remember these unwashed trendies don’t care about your views, they seek only to berate in gangs and bait pointless discussion.

If you consider the fact that these inept degenerates cater to a flyer pandering mindset you’ll appreciate the value of starving these oxygen thieves of your time and energy. Instead consider contributing your skill set to priorities like assisting your conservative candidates with the many tasks pertaining to campaigning.

Food for thought.